【Music Night Kowloon:HONG KONG GOSPEL CHOIR】

This group is the first black-style gospel choir formed by Hong Kong people. Their strong rhythms and smooth harmonies deliver a refreshing feeling to the audience. Recently, they have even stepped into the film industry, providing the soundtrack recording for the movie I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change.  Everyone who hear them come away impressed by their voices!


Date: 30 March (Saturday)

Time: 8 pm-9:30 pm

Place: Jao Tsung-I Academy, 800 Castle Peak Road, Mei Foo

(Ticket price includes one drink)

Tickets: door price $200, early bird $160
Banktransfer:You may bank transfer to “LI TIN YAN” , HSBC account #557-7-056129 . And send us the bank-in slip with your name and contact number through mail, litinyan@ty-productions.org.
Art-Mate: https://www.art-mate.net/doc/53090
HOSO TOUR︰https://www.hosotour.com/hk/p/830#

Produced by: TY Productions、Aineo Music、HONG KONG GOSPEL CHOIR

MyiCellar, Aineo Music, HONG KONG GOSPEL CHOIR


【Music Night Kowloon:JAZZ LADIES】


Hong Kong’s only women’s jazz band that embrace originality. They perform jazz, blues, and soul songs in a unique style.


Date: April 6th (Saturday)

Time: 8 pm to 9:30 pm

Venue: Theatre, Jao Tsung-I Academy, 800 Castle Peak Road, Mei Foo

(Ticket includes one drink)

Tickets: $240/person on site, $160/ early bird discount ($5 is the administrative fee for the ticketing platform)


Banktransfer:You may bank transfer to “LI TIN YAN” , HSBC account #557-7-056129 . And send us the bank-in slip with your name and contact number through mail, litinyan@ty-productions.org.
Art-Mate: https://www.art-mate.net/doc/53146?name=Music+Night+Kowloon%3A+JAZZ+LADIES
HOSO TOUR︰https://www.hosotour.com/hk/p/809

Produced by: TY Productions



【Music Night Kowloon:PAPA-GO Jazz Quartet】

PAPA-GO Jazz Quartet is a jazz quartet rooted in Hong Kong. It is composed of people who were born and raised in Hong Kong and who love jazz. Their idea is to bring a different jazz colour to Hong Kong.

This performance will be accompanied by two special guests. In addition to jazz classics, there will be original songs by the band and from Japan.


Date: April 13 (Saturday)

Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm

Venue: Theatre, Jao Tsung-I Academy, 800 Castle Peak Road, Mei Foo

(Ticket includes one drink)

Tickets: $180 /on site, $140/ early bird discount ($5 is the administrative fee for the ticketing platform)

Banktransfer:You may bank transfer to “LI TIN YAN” , HSBC account #557-7-056129 . And send us the bank-in slip with your name and contact number through mail, litinyan@ty-productions.org.
Art-Mate: https://www.art-mate.net/doc/53146?name=Music+Night+Kowloon%3A+JAZZ+LADIES
HOSO TOUR︰https://www.hosotour.com/hk/p/827

Produced by: TY Productions
