Let Our Heart Breathe x Etiquette in AED


Accident & Emergency Department’s doctors are race against the clock every day like “battlefields”.

As a front-line medical staff, the heart and body were greatly affected.

How can they hold their bodies and minds under pressure and face a wide variety of medical challenges?

We invite you to listen to the heart-breathing story of the doctor from Accident & Emergency Departments.


Speakers: Dr. Eliza Cheung x Dr. Henry Leung

Date|20 October 2019 (Sunday)

Time|5 pm–7 pm

Place|Theater, Jao Tsung-I Academy (800 Castle Peak Road, Mei Foo)




Host | “Let Our Heart Breathe”

Co-organizer & Venue Support | Jao Tsung-I Academy


Limited seats, first come, first served.