
English version




日期: 2015年10月24日(星期六)、30日(星期五)及31日(星期六)
時間: 晚上7時至9時30分
地點: 饒宗頤文化館演藝廳
HK$790(包括晚餐) (網上付款額外手續費HK$30)
  • 網上售票
  • 於饒宗頤文化館禮品閣(G座地下)繳費
  • 銀行入數
  • 表演是無聲演出
  • 參加者需戴上無聲耳筒
  • 座位為6人長形枱
  • 門票不設劃位,大會依即場情況安排座位
  • 表演期間,場內不得攝影及錄影
  • 建議服式:60年代(10月24日),


Noir Rose and the Mysterious Banquet

“Noir Rose and the Mysterious Banquet”, a new silence dinner and theatre performance jointly presented by two local social enterprises – Jao Tsung-I Academy and Silence Le Cabaret, a brand under Dialogue Experience, will have its debut performance in October 2015 at Jao Tsung-I Academy.

The show is written, directed and performed by deaf artists. Participants will be invited to join a world full of facial and body languages ─ a world without sound. Interactions with deaf actors and audience is made possible through creativity and empathy.

The story is based on “Noir Rose and the Mysterious Banquet”, a legendary fiction figure that was popular in Hong Kong during mid-20th century Hong Kong. At a high-pitched traditional cottage complex in 1960s Hong Kong, its owner is celebrating his birthday. He has invited a famous show girl to sing during the banquet and has given an extremely pricey and beautiful necklace to his wife. However, after a mysterious chaos in the house, the necklace vanishes all of a sudden. Noir Rose emerges in front of all, inviting all banquet-goers to investigate the theft with her.

Show Date: 24 Oct, 30 Oct and 31 Oct 2015
Show Time: 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Venue: Theatre of Jao Tsung-I Aacademy (JTIA)
Ticket Price:
HK$790 (including dinner) (PLUS HK$30 transaction fee)
  • Online payment (needs to pay HK$30 transaction fee)
  • Pay at Block G Souvenir Corner of JTIA
  • Bank-in
  • This is a silent show
  • Participants are required to wear a headset
  • Long dining table for 6
  • Seating will be arranged by the organizer
  • No photographic or video shooting is allowed during the show
  • Suggested costume: 60s style (24 Oct),
    Halloween style ((31 Oct)

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